Over the week of Jan. 22, 2024, Sequoia’s ASB hosted lunchtime activities in the quad and MPR. The activities coincided with spirit week leading up to the winter formal in an attempt to raise school spirit in advance of the event.
Monday’s activity was Blindfolded Snowball Scooping, which was held in the MPR due to rainy weather. Blindfolded students scooped cotton balls into bowls, working together or competing against each other.
“It was raining so we have to do the MPR and then have all the materials, the cotton balls, the blindfolds, [and] the scoop[ers brought over].” Sophia Louise Webb, ASB Student Curator, said.
Tuesday’s activity, Snow cones in the quad, was the most successful, with a long line of students waiting for a treat.
“I [would] probably say either the scooping with cotton balls or the snow cones [were the hardest to set up],” Webb said.
On Wednesday, another rainy day, students raced to wrap each other up in toilet paper for the Snowman Mummy Wrap activity.
Thursday’s rainy weather didn’t stop students from playing Bean Bag Toss in the quad.

“When we do [activities like] this, random people just volunteer to play, which is nice,” ASB Junior Vice President Isabel Pompen said.
Despite Sequoia’s often lackluster participation, ASB is determined to create fun activities for the students.
“It’s kind of hard having spirit at Sequoia and having people dress up and have fun,” Webb said. “But hopefully these activities that we’re doing will make people be more spirited and happy.”
The efforts of Sequoia’s ASB haven’t gone unnoticed by faculty members such as vice principal Gary Gooch.
“It’s really great during the school day to have something to distract yourself if you’re a really hard working student,” Gooch said. “I think that having ASB or anybody really putting things on during the school day, even if just for a moment, really contributes to a positive school culture.”