Takes on Sequoia Sports Equipment
December 15, 2022
At Sequoia, all sports teams need sports equipment. For each sport that equipment varies, from shoes, to bats to goals.
Fine Lauese, Sequoia Varsity Boys Basketball Coach, uses quite a lot of sports equipment.
“I think the equipment we have is good, you know, get in there and work on what you need to work on,” Coach Fine said.
Some of the equipment Lauese uses is the weight room, the gyms and the basketballs. The age of the equipment does vary, not everything is brand new or very old.
“You get new pieces, pieces get older, so the age is different for all the equipment, but I think Coach Poulos and Mr. Dilly have done a good job of making sure we have enough equipment,” said Coach Fine.
Gym One is one of the new updates to Sequoia’s athletics..
“New floor, new wooden floor, everything’s brand new from the slab up. The floor is tweaked a little bit, the ravens are off to the side, they used to be in the middle,” said Coach Fine.
Even though the floor and paint is new, Gym One does have a few old things.
“One thing I would change? New scoreboards, new shot clocks too, all attached to the backboards,” Coach Fine said.
Some of the athletes shared similar opinions to what Coach Fine said.
“I think the sports equipment is great, it does what it needs to do,” senior Ryan Benson said, who played on the Varsity football team.
Coach Michelle Sarrail, the Varsity Softball Coach, like Coach Fine, was also quite happy with some of her equipment.
“I am happy with it right now because the boosters just awarded us a grant that we could purchase new bow nets for training. So I’m very excited about that. And we received four new bow nets last year,” said Coach Sarrail.
Sequoia Boosters is an organization that helps fund equipment and uniforms for Sequoia sports, you can visit them at Boosters.
Even though the school provides a lot of good equipment, some are still considered subpar.
“Our cages, those are not in good condition. I don’t know if there’s any plans in the future to replace the cages. We aren’t really happy with them because they’re not safe. The nets are all ripped, sometimes people will throw broken glass in there,” Coach Sarrail said.
The state of this batting cage is a hindrance to the softball team.
“Well, the current equipment that I would change would be the batting cage. I would upgrade all the equipment in the cage from the pitching machine to the netting to the broken cement underneath. Because right now it’s not a very safe cage to use,” Coach Sarrail said.