Athletes working out through quarantine

Caitlin Dulsky, Staff Reporter

Quarantine has been going on for eight weeks now, and almost all of our normal activities have been canceled. Specifically, spring sports have been canceled and club sports for the spring and summer have been canceled or postponed. This poses a major issue for student-athletes who are unable to practice and stay in shape like they normally do, but many Sequoia athletes are still finding a way to stay in shape during this time. 

As an athlete myself, I have been able to focus more on my fitness more than ever before. Lifting weights, going on runs, or practicing my sport has not only let me to stay in shape, but has also allowed me to clear my head and stay positive during the lockdown. Sequoia athletes are doing the best they can to stay motivated and work out during quarantine. Here is a look into what some of our athletes are doing:

“I have been running, biking, and doing drills around and outside my house,” sophomore and varsity tennis, basketball and lacrosse player MaryJane Hartman said. “I also have done a little weightlifting with my brother.” 

I have been working out every day in order to keep up my strength and build endurance,” junior and varsity basketball player Jacqueline Kurland said. “I’ve had to alter my workouts in order to stay consistent and still push myself. On top of whatever workout I do that day, I also try to run 2 miles everyday to stay fit.” 

I have been staying in shape by going on runs and doing some at-home workouts,” junior and varsity soccer player Kira Spottiswood said. 

I have been playing catch with my dad and brother, hitting in the backyard, going on walks and runs, and doing workout videos,” junior and varsity softball player Jasmine Oda said. 

Some athletes have been struggling to find equipment to workout with or ideas of what to do to stay fit as we do not have our coaches, trainers, or gyms to help us. But, many athletes have found there are a lot of online resources they can use to come up with exercises. And, there are also many things we have at our houses that could be used in an at-home workout. 

“I do a lot of at-home training with free weights, ab workouts I find online, running, and shooting hoops in my driveway,” Kurland said. 

Basketball players, like Kurland, are playing on the streets or at any hoops they can find. Meanwhile, other athletes are also finding many ways to still practice their sport and keep working on their craft. 

“I got the Nike running club app which helps me keep track of my runs and speeds,” Spottiswood said. 

Finding motivation is another challenge for athletes in quarantine because we can’t  workout with teammates and a lot of our showcases and tournaments have been canceled. But athletes are finding motivation that when sports do start again, they will be in great shape and will be able to perform well at tournaments. 

The biggest motivation for me is the next season for Sequoia basketball. It will be the last season, so I want to prepare myself in the offseason to be the best player I can for when the season starts in November,” Kurland said. 

“While everyone is at home, there is no longer an excuse to not put in the extra work to stay in shape. This extra time gives everyone the freedom to create a consistent workout schedule that is easier to follow without interruptions from schoolwork or team sport commitments. I feel like I have to continue working out because if I don’t I will feel like I didn’t take advantage of this time to the best of my ability,” senior and varsity basketball and baseball player Davin Leathers said. 

Other athletes are also motivated by the possibility of playing at the collegiate level.  However, the college recruiting process is changing now because tournaments and showcases are being canceled, leaving athletes to come up with alternative ways to stay in touch with or get noticed by coaches even during the stay-at-home order. 

It’s definitely more difficult to get recruited when showcase tournaments are canceled so the most helpful thing I have found to be is sending out emails to coaches and keeping constant communication. Putting together highlight films, building resumes, and contacting coaches is really all that you can do while games are put on hold,” Kurland said. 

With all the cancelation of college recruiting tournaments many athletes are feeling stressed out about the recruiting process and the period of student athletes not being able to talk to coaches has been extended in some sports, called the dead period. 

I’m definitely a little more stressed now that there is a possibility my showcases could be canceled, also the dead period has been extended. However I continue to send out emails and am signed up for camps in the future,” Oda said. 

Even though the recruiting process is stressful and difficult now that everything is up in the air with quarantine, players still can reach out and promote themselves. 

“I’m still interested in playing in college so I have been compiling films and making highlight videos to send to coaches,” Spottiswood said. 

Whether you are an athlete or not, it’s important that you stay positive during this time, and working out and setting fitness goals is one great way to do so. There are so many resources out there to help you with your fitness and many things we can do at home to stay healthy as well.